Teacher Modleen

Teacher Devika

Teacher Banky

Teacher Pretchie

Teacher CherryAnn

Teacher Maria
Our number one priority has always been and always will be to provide you and your family with quality and affordable services. We understand how children develop and how their family, culture, and community impact development. We plan and carry out activities to help children develop. We build a partnership with parents that respect their values and culture.

The first few years of your child’s life are such important learning years. Connecting with warm, caring adults early on helps your children form strong relationships throughout life. Together, you, your child and our teachers can make good choices that’ll give your child a great start! Young children need teachers who welcome all children to their classrooms, including children from various cultures, whose first language is not English and children who have disabilities. Young children need teachers who take time to work with them individually, in small groups, and sometimes with the entire class– to help them develop their cognitive and social skills, their language abilities, and their interest in learning new things about the world. Young children need instruction to develop the thinking, language, and early literacy skills needed for continued school success. Our teachers are warm and caring, and they get to know each child and family well, help children learn how to play, work together, and make friends. Our teachers plan activities so that all children can join in. They organize developmentally appropriate program, and safe learning environments to meet children’s interests, with learning support from our professional foreign teachers and assessment system depending on individual development.
What we believe About Educators
- We believe that early childhood educator must love children.
- We believe educators must be able to connect with children.
- We believe our educators must be able to manage the classroom and must be eager to create and maintain a warm and successful learning classroom environment.
- We believe in incorporating variety of methods in our teaching strategies.
- We believe in teacher/parent collaboration.
- We believe in growing a brighter tomorrow today.