Our Curriculum
Creative Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum reinforces early positive growth and opens the door to lifelong learning.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES AT A GLANCE The Creative Curriculum for Preschool and Kindergarten immerses children in exploration, creativity, practice, questioning and growing through quality literacy experiences, creative expression, hands-on opportunities, project-based investigations and a balance of quiet and active times, indoor and outdoor activities and individual, small and large group initiatives. The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool and Kindergarten helps our teachers build children’s confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills, and promote positive outcomes.

When children investigate, discover, and play — they learn.
Through in-depth investigations of science and social studies topics that integrate literacy and mathematics concepts, our teachers encourage children to think critically, solve problem, and connect ideas. We engage students in deep levels of critical thinking by asking in-depth questions, introducing more technical vocabulary, and challenging students to investigate on their own and with others.
Our children are engaged in learning through:
- Literacy Experiences
- Blocks
- Dramatic Play
- Toys and Games
- Art
- Library
- Discovery
- Sand and Water
- Music and Movement
- Cooking
- Computers
- Outdoor and Indoor Play

Our curriculum shows teachers how to:

- offer children opportunities to make choices
- provide children with ample occasion for creative expressions
- allow children freedom to explore the environment
- permit children freedom to get messy during play
- encourage children to work independently
- value children’s ideas
- promote problem solving and appropriate risk taking
- help children express their feelings in constructive ways
- provide appropriate real-work responsibilities and jobs
- encourage children to see tasks through to completion
- provide appropriate play materials that support and challenge children’s abilities
Group Play: Singing, dancing, play acting, games, reading, listening to tapes (story and music), circle time
Free Play: Children have a choice of – blocks, kitchen toys, dolls and accessories, Legos, play sets, Household toys, pull/push toys, art materials, and may watch limited television or video tapes
Language: Nursery rhymes, finger plays, stimulus pictures or objects to encourage verbalization, reading to the children, flannel boards
Dramatic play: Dress up, role playing, puppetry, etc.
Outdoor play: (Weather Permitting) Swinging, climbing, riding toys, running, ball playing, gardening toys, trucks, strolling dolls, (please remember to dress your child appropriately for the weather, if in doubt, dress in layers or bring extra clothes)
Special Days: Include Birthdays/holiday, Christmas parties, getting ready for holidays, and holiday.

Toddler Preschool 2-3years Pre-Kindergarten 3-4years Kindergarten 5-6years Full-Time 5 days/ week Part-Time 3 days/ week Mon-Fri 9:00-14:00 (5 hours)
- We will use good manners and be kind to others (Be Proactive).
- We will listen and follow directions (Begin with the End in Mind).
- We will take care of our own things and things in the classroom.
- We will raise our hand to talk.